If you cannot afford a copy of the book, email us at info@endingpd.org and we will send you one for free. If you would like to sponsor a free book for someone who cannot afford it, please donate to our Parkinson’s Project. All authors’ proceeds are devoted to efforts to end Parkinson’s.

Parkinson’s disease is the fastest growing neurological disorder in the world. Over the past twenty-five years, the number of people with the condition has jumped from 3 million to over 6 million. By 2040, it will likely double again. We are failing to stop this onslaught. Harmful pesticides and other toxic chemicals that contribute to Parkinson’s surround us. At the same time, our investment in new therapies has lagged behind the disease, and many people remain undiagnosed and untreated.
Estimated and projected number of people with Parkinson’s disease globally in millions, 1990–2040.
About the Documentary
Over 200 people are newly diagnosed with Parkinson’s each day. 100 die. The greatest cause for hope - and the biggest impetus to action - is that this is largely preventable. Through addressing the root causes of Parkinson’s, advocating for those with and at risk for the disease, caring for all affected, and discovering and developing better treatments for the disease, we can improve outcomes for everyone.
We profiled twelve extraordinary individuals with Parkinson’s and have the privilege of sharing with you their personal journeys to end this debilitating disease. Our film, The Long Road to Hope, debuted on World Parkinson’s Day (April 11th) 2022 - stream it below and watch even more content on our sister website, www.parkinsontv.org.

a prescription for action
Ending Parkinson’s Disease proposes a bold PACT to Prevent the disease, Advocate for protective policies, Care for patients, and Treat the condition with innovative therapies. The authors gather the expertise of clinicians, patients, and cutting-edge researchers to tell the full story of Parkinson’s and what we can do to end it. As we confront this coming wave of disease, this book is an indispensable guide for patients, families, clinicians, scientists, politicians, and activists.
Praise for Ending Parkinson’s Disease
“Over the next twenty-five years, the number of people with Parkinson’s disease is expected to double to at least 12.9 million. With its forecasted exponential rise, most of us will either be affected personally within our own families or know someone with the disease. This book is a must-read for all of us who are or might be affected. It pulls no punches with regard to the seriousness of this emerging pandemic, and its common-sense environmental approaches and precautions, if implemented, will abate the spread of this insidious disease. I know this to be true. I lived it.”
”Insightful, captivating, and filled with hope, Ending Parkinson’s Disease charts a path forward for stopping this debilitating condition.”
“This book offers a clear pathway forward—while sounding out a resounding clarion alarm; prompting action — that we should all pay heed to!”
— DAVIS PHINNEY, founder of the Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s
“This book shines a light on the environmental factors that put us all at risk for the disease. As a person with Parkinson’s and as a father, I hope we will take the urgent action outlined in this important book to stop the growing number of people who will receive a diagnosis.”
— BRIAN GRANT, former NBA player and founder of the Brian Grant Foundation
"This thought-provoking book shines an essential spotlight on the need to end Parkinson’s. The authors are calling for a global commitment from the entire Parkinson's community to work together to end Parkinson's through research, and where possible, preventative measures."
― HELEN MATTHEWS, Deputy CEO of The Cure Parkinson’s Trust
"Parkinson's disease is not one disease but rather a collection of many with different contributing factors, and it satisfies many of the criteria of a pandemic. While the authors of Ending Parkinson's Disease are hopeful about making patients' lives better, their real passion is clearly centered around preventing people from ever having to face the disease in the first place. The book is a real eye-opener for people with Parkinson's, caretakers, and healthcare professionals, and should be used by activists all over the world in their discussions with politicians, policy makers and budget holders."
― SUSANNA LINDVALL, Vice President of the European Parkinson’s Disease Association (EPDA)

The National Plan to End Parkinson's Act
The National Plan to End Parkinson’s legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate. This pioneering step is a bipartisan effort to unite the federal government in seeking a cure for Parkinson’s disease and ensuring support and care for those living with the disease. Visit the Michael J. Fox Foundation webpage to learn more about how you can take action to support this bill.